few random & unstructured thoughts on what already happens or may (or may not) happen with software in upcoming years
twitter: @pdolega
github: github.com/pdolega
Engineering Associate /
Bussiness Dev
twitter: @michaltomanski
github: github.com/michaltomanski
Software Engineer
Yogi Berra
A.K.A. things that we already do and we think will gain even further adoption
Domain-driven design
Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles.
Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content.
Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory.
And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate.
Something interesting is happening.
Tom Goodwin
zooming out and starting to talk about crazy things (that we dreamed of when we were kids)
Travis Kalanick
Tesla (obviously)
Apple open secret
...at this point probably any other vehicle company (and not only)
Hon Hai has a workforce of over one million worldwide and as human beings are also animals, to manage one million animals gives me a headache
Terry Gou, Foxconn
Today 25% of Japan population is 65 or older (by 2020 projected 29%)
Japan is already working on robotic care-takers now
Lots of areas
Slow drug development process...
Antibiotics immunity...
Lots of startups in these area...
Human Longevity's mission is to extend healthy human lifespan by the use of high-resolution big data diagnostics from genomics, metabolomics, microbiomics, and proteomics, and the use of stem cell therapy.
Spectacular project opportunity in KRK
High traffic volume system
(tens of k of users/s)
Various roles: engineering, team lead, analysts, product owners, technical managers
Cloud, DevOps,
microservices, NoSql
functional style-Java 8, RxJava, Vert.x
Software is eating the world, in all sectors.
In the future every company will become a software company.